Needs of Newborn Baby List Of Requirements For The Baby One of the most challenging things for expectant mothers is to shop for the baby and its needs.
Nutrition Nutrition In Pregnancy Recent studies show that the increasing number of IVF incidents and the majority of anomalies observed in newborn babies are the results of environmental and technologic contamination also based on the diet and the lifestyle of the parents of the baby.
Delivery Painless Birth With Epidural There are many favourable comments regarding the administration of epidural during vaginal birth that is also called painless birth.
Pregnancy Exercies Pregnancy Exercises Women need more physical exercise than normal to have a strong and fit body during pregnancy.
Motherhood/for parents Pregnancy Massage Touch is the most healing gift that people can give each other. A touch on our shoulders unconsciously has a comforting effect.
Breastfeeding Preparations for breastfeeding during pregnancy Actually, preparation for breastfeeding is automatically done during pregnancy.
Delivery Signs Of Labour Delivery is defined as the expelling of the baby outside the womb after a pregnancy of approximately 38 to 42 weeks.
Delivery Vaginal Delivery This stage covers the period till the cervix, which remains closed off during the entire pregnancy, fully dilates (10 cm) with the help of contractions.